


Yang Yan from Pinyan Interior Design Ltd.Won the Top100 Global Influence Chinese Designer Character Award

美国时间 6月18日,由中国国际室内设计网,美国洛杉矶-中国美术馆,美中经贸文化促进会联合主办的第二届中美国际设计文化交流展暨中美国际设计行业高峰论坛活动在美国洛杉矶-中国美术馆隆重开幕。哈福智庫的总裁,前加州参议员夏乐柏及夫人何美湄及美国建筑协会、设计协会的成员,业内人士百余人参与开幕式。杨彦设计师代表参加开幕式,并参与当天举行的行业高峰论坛。

In June 18th in America, the 2th Sino-America International Design Cultural Exchange Exhibition which was host by China International Interior Design , Chinese Art Museum of America , USA-China Trade and Culture Association, Bob Huff, the CEO of Harvard Think Tank and Senate Republican Leader Emeritus, the members of the American Construction Association and Design Association, and hundreds of people participate in the opening ceremony. Designer Yang Yan took part in the ceremony and forum held in the same day.


In order to encourage the great design and promote the interior design exchange, the event organizer took a comprehensive examination to the exhibited works and held the Award Ceremony. Among the exhibited works, the Charm Huangjue KTV in Zhongshan which is designed by Yang Yan won the Int’l Creative Design Prize. Its designer Yang Yan also won the Top100 Global Influence Chinese Designer Award and the Special Award from California Senate of the US.

Over the years, Mr. Yang Yan has thrown himself into interior design, especially the design of entertainment spaces. Shenzhen Pinyan Interior Design Ltd. has created more than 700 cases since the company was established in 2009 by Mr. Yang Yan. The cases were located in every corner of the world, which were highly praised by the people of the world. The creative is the mission of designer. Yang Yan has contributed to interior design for many years, and continued to explore the way of Chinese design. Mr. Yang Yan always uses new Chinese concept design in his works. The simple lines sketches out the charm of Chinese culture, with a modern design language to convey the beauty of Chinese culture. Mr. Yang Yan was invited to Sino-America International Design Cultural Exchange Exhibition, he will bring real Chinese culture to the world, and absorb new design concept to make further of Chinese design.

上一个: 品彦设计成为国家文化部云南娱乐行业转型升级设计机构

下一个: 品彦设计荣获“亚太空间设计大奖赛”娱乐空间设计大奖
